LION Turnout Patents
6430754- Firefighting garment- C&X liner (IsoDri)
This feature is an option for any LION Turnout Coat and Turnout Pant.
Description | Model/Lot | Liner Codes |
V-Force Bi-Swing Coat | CVBM/CVBF | C or X |
V-Force Coat | CVFM/CVFF | C or X |
Super Deluxe Coat | CSDM/CSDF | C or X |
Super Deluxe Coat | CSTM/CSTF | C or X |
V-Force Belted Pant | PVFM/PVFF | C or X |
V-Force Ultra Low-Rise Pant | PVFM/PVFF | C or X |
V-Force High Back Pant | PVFM/PVFF | C or X |
V-Force Lumbar Pant | PVFM/PVFF | C or X |
Super Deluxe Pant | PSDM/PSDF | C or X |

9526926- Protective garment with vent features
This feature is an option for any LION Turnout Coat.
Description | Model/Lot | Liner Codes |
V-Force Bi-Swing Coat | CVBM/CVBF | C4xxxxxx |
V-Force Coat | CVFM/CVFF | C4xxxxxx |
Super Deluxe Coat | CSDM/CSDF | C4xxxxxx |
Super Deluxe Coat | CSTM/CSTF | C4xxxxxx |

9364034- Protective trousers with curved extremity and inseam
This feature is a standard for any LION V-Force Turnout Pant
Description | Model/Lot |
V-Force Belted Pant | PVFM/PVFF |
V-Force Ultra Low-Rise Pant | PVFM/PVFF |
V-Force High Back Pant | PVFM/PVFF |
V-Force Lumbar Pant | PVFM/PVFF |

8701218- Protective garment with hang-down pockets
This feature is an option to be used on any LION Structural Turnout Coat. The feature is indicated by part number SBP626 on the order.
Protective garment with vapor skirt
Description | Model/Lot | Package & Part Numbers |
V-Force Bi-Swing Coat | CVBM/CVBF | A-RedZone, CL0218 |
V-Force Coat | CVFM/CVFF | A-RedZone, CL0218 |

7958569- Protective garment with curved and protected extremities
This feature is standard in any LION V-Force Turnout Coat or Pant
Description | Model/Lot |
V-Force Bi-Swing Coat | CVBM/CVBF |
V-Force Coat | CVFM/CVFF |
V-Force Belted Pant | PVFM/PVFF |
V-Force Ultra Low-Rise Pant | PVFM/PVFF |
V-Force High Back Pant | PVFM/PVFF |
V-Force Lumbar Pant | PVFM/PVFF |

8332963- Protective garment with curved and protected extremities
This feature is standard in any LION V-Force Coat or Pant
Description | Model/Lot |
V-Force Bi-Swing Coat | CVBM/CVBF |
V-Force Coat | CVFM/CVFF |
V-Force Belted Pant | PVFM/PVFF |
V-Force Ultral Low-Rise Pant | PVFM/PVFF |
V-Force High Back Pant | PVFM/PVFF |
V-Force Lumbar Pant | PVFM/PVFF |

6687913- Hazardous duty garment with separable moisture barrier and thermal barrier
This feature is an option for any LION Turnout Coat
Description | Model/Lot | Liner Codes |
V-Force Bi-Swing Coat | CVBM/CVBF | C3xxxxxx |
V-Force Coat | CVFM/CVFF | C3xxxxxx |
Super Deluxe Coat | CSDM/CSDF | C3xxxxxx |
Super Deluxe Coat | CSTM/CSTF | C3xxxxxx |

6038700- Lightweight firefighter
garment with durable collar and wristlet material
This wristlet feature is standard in any LION V-Force Turnout Coat
Description | Model/Lot | Liner Codes |
V-Force Bi-Swing Coat | CVBM/CVFB | K, C, X, or P |
V-Force Coat | CVFM/CVFF | K, C, X, or P |
Super Deluxe Coat | CSDM/CSDF | K, C, X, or P |
Super Deluxe Coat | CSTM/CSTF | K, C, X, or P |

8479321- V-Back suspenders
Model Numbers |
SR836M |
SR842M |
SR848M |
SR836X |
SR842X |
SR848X |
SR854X |

8104100- V-Force high-back suspenders
Model Numbers |
SR836 |
SR840 |
SR845 |
SR851 |

LION Helmet Patents
6098197- Leather firefighter helmet
American Heritage (will expire Feb. 2019)
Models |
LFH4120E |
LFH4120S |
LFH4120D |
LFH4120F |

6969478- Fiberglass composite firefighting helmet
American Classic and Legacy (will expire 2020)
Models |
American Classic |
LFH2120E |
LFH2120S |
LFH2120D |
LFH2120F |
Legacy |
LFH3910A |
LFH3910E |
LFH3910M |
LFH3910S |
LFH3910T |

LION Training Patents
9773424- Attack
Firefighting training system with integrated extinguishant sensor

9747811- Attack weighted
Flame simulator with weighted base

8096810- BullsEye
Fire extinguisher training apparatus

7748983- BullsEye
Flameless fire extinguisher training methods and apparatus

7175439- Intelligent Training System (I.T.S)
Under license to BullEx, Inc.
Training device for extinguishing fires, method and system of use thereof